About Us

"It is of the utmost importance that these should be identified, that is, the Plant Board should learn what they are, whether they are new to the State of Florida and whether of an injurious nature. Only by such vigilance can the introduction or spread of new pests be prevented."

- Dr. Wilmon Newell, 1915 - First Director of the Division of Plant Industry
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Plant Industry is the hosting institution for the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, FSCA. The division maintains and develops the collection, which houses specimens from around the world and is ranked among the top 5 North American entomological collections. The collection features thousands of drawers, slides and vials containing over 12 million prepared specimens. Millions more specimens are held in bulk alcohol containers and various dry samples.

The FSCA contributes to the department’s mission of protecting Florida’s agriculture and natural resources by serving as a major reference collection for the many pests routinely submitted for identification.

The FSCA features thousands of drawers, slides and vials containing an estimated 12 million prepared specimens. Millions more specimens are held in bulk alcohol containers and various dry samples.

The FSCA is open to researchers from all over the world, and tours for local school classes and individuals are available. Please feel free to contact us and request information on receiving a tour.


The publications of the FSCA include Circulars, Occasional Papers, and Arthropods of Florida and Neighboring Land Areas.  A purpose of these papers is to highlight research by the staff and Research Associates of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods

The FSCA can accept the donation of specimens and actively works with donors so that the donations benefit both the FSCA and the donor. The FSCA can loan materials to accredited individuals or institutions to further their work and research.

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