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It’s easy to plan a visit to the Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA), Museum of Entomology. Admission is free, and the museum is open to researchers, groups, students and individuals. The FSCA Museum of Entomology boasts one of the largest arthropod collections in the world. The collection is home to over 9 million prepared specimens and millions more in bulk alcohol containers and dry samples. It’s an educational and fun experience for all ages.

Please contact us to book your visit.


The Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA) has grown from its beginnings in the early 1950s to be among the top 10 arthropod collections in the United States. A large part of this phenomenal growth has been due to the Research Associate Program and the resulting enthusiastic support by hundreds of private collectors throughout the nation and overseas. The FSCA encourages the donation of specimens and actively works with donors so that the donations benefit both the FSCA and the donor.

Members of this museum support organization are dedicated to the study of the systematics of arthropods (insects, spiders, assorted aquatic organisms, etc.) and to the support of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA). They serve by donating their time, expertise, specimens, and library resources to the FSCA. Associates cooperate with the entomology section staff on many types of projects. For example, they conduct studies in the systematics of arthropods, which contribute to our knowledge of and ability to control agricultural, livestock, and human pests. Associates help document and describe the unique fauna of Florida and surrounding areas, and the ecological relationships among its plant, animal, and human communities.

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